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Academy of Osseointegration Recognizes Seven Fellows at 2021 Meeting

The Academy of Osseointegration (AO) recognized seven individuals as Fellows during the Opening Symposium of its 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting:

  • Riad Almasri, DDS
  • Joseph YK Kan, DDS, MS
  • Gustavo Mendonca, DDS, MSc, PhD
  • Alireza Moshaverinia, DDS, MS, PhD
  • Zeev Ormianer, DMD
  • Alessandro Pozzi, DDS, MSc
  • Robert C. Vogel, DDS

AO members achieve fellowship by demonstrating a commitment to osseointegration, according to the organization. Reflecting the importance of science and service embodied in its founding principles, AO said it established a Fellow membership category to honor members who have excelled in both academics and service to the organization.

The COVID-19 pandemic forced the AO to cancel its 2020 meeting, so the organization recognized all of the members who have achieved fellowship during the past two years during its 2021 meeting.

Almasri is in private practice in Dallas, Texas, as well as an adjunct faculty member at the Nova Southeastern University College of Dental Medicine, where he received his specialty certificate in prosthodontics and served as chief resident.

A member of AO since 2010, Almasri has served on its Young Clinicians, Research Submission, and Allied Staff committees and is a member of the Osseointegration Foundation’s Titanium Society. He also presented at the Young Clinician’s luncheon during the 2019 Annual Meeting and provided oral scientific and oral clinical presentations in 2017 and 2018, respectively.

Kan is a professor in the Department of Implant Dentistry at Loma Linda University. A current board member who joined AO 28 years ago. He has served on numerous committees and chaired a program committee for the 2018 Annual Meeting.

Also, Kan has written at least 19 scientific articles published in the International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants (JOMI) and the International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry, AO’s official journals. He has presented many times at annual meetings as well.

Mendonca is a clinical associate professor of dentistry at the University of Michigan School of Dentistry. A member since 2008, he has served on the Research Submission, AO/OF Research Grants, and E-poster committees. Also, he has presented e-posted at annual meetings each year from 2008 through 2012 and in 2014 as well as basic science abstracts in 2008, 209, and 2018, all of which received AO Best Presentation awards.

Further, Mendonca was twice awarded the Basic Research Grant from the Osseointegration Foundation in 2011 and 2015, the AO/IADR Innovation in Implant Sciences Award in 2015, and the William R. Laney Award in 2011.

Moshaverinia is a tenure track professor at the UCLA School of Dentistry. An active member since 2013, he has served on the E-poster and AO/OF Grant Review committees. He received the Osseointegration Foundation Basic Science Research Grant award in 2016 and the Best Oral Scientific Research award in 2015 as well.

Also, Moshaverinia has been published 82 times in peer reviewed journals, books, and chapters, including JOMI, and has presented at 50 conferences and invited seminars, including an e-poster presentation at the AO’s Annual Meeting in 2018 and an abstract presentation in 2015. He holds nine patents as well.

Ormianer is the head of the Department of Oral Rehabilitation at Tel Aviv University. A prosthodontist who has been a member since 1997, he has served on its Clinical Innovations Committee and Global Program Development Committee. He also has presented numerous times on behalf of the AO and written at least 25 implant-related articles in various journals.

Pozzi, an entitled full professor in oral sciences by the Italian Ministry of University and Research, is an adjunct associate professor at the Goldstein Center for Esthetics and Implant Dentistry of Augusta University and guest lecturer in the Continuing Education in Implant Dentistry Program at UCLA.

An active member since 2012, Pozzi also has served on multiple AO committees and presented at multiple meetings. He has written or coauthored four published textbooks in addition to writing chapters on implant dentistry and contributing 35 articles in peer-reviewed journals including JOMI. And, he has held 38 plenary program presentations.

Vogel is a general practitioner from Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, and has served on the AO’s Board of Directors since 2018. A member since 2001, he has contributed to its Allied Professional Staff, Clinical Innovations, William R. Laney Award, and Annual Meeting Program committees. He also has presented numerous times at AO meetings and as part of its webinar series. He has authored multiple articles in JOMI and other journals as well.

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