Industry News

Acid Erosion Awareness Campaign Gets Underway

Photo by Jeffrey Dorman.

The AGD has launched a national public awareness campaign about acid erosion to help consumers understand its causes, symptoms, and effects, as well as how it can influence their overall health. It addresses the dietary choices that can affect erosion and ways to protect tooth enamel.

In August 2015, the AGD teamed up with GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare to survey its members about how they identify erosion and treat patients with it. The responses from these dental professionals reflected varying levels of knowledge and management of the condition.

For example, 66% of respondents said they were knowledgeable about acid erosion, but weren’t experts. A quarter said they were somewhat knowledgeable, and 2% were not very knowledgeable.

Also, three quarters said highly acidic, carbonated beverages were the primary cause of for patients younger than the age of 25, while 67% said that acid reflux is the leading cause among patients older than 65.

Almost all respondents, 93%, said bulimia nervosa is a possible cause in women, followed by morning sickness (79%), pregnancy (41%), dysmenorrhea (10%), and hysterectomy (4%).

And while 53% said that they do not have established protocols in their practices to address acid erosion and acid wear, 85% said they would use an acid erosion risk assessment like a caries risk assessment with their patients if it were standardized and available. The AGD offers its members educational materials for patients at

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