Industry News

ADA Poll Reports a Majority of US Dental Offices Closed

Courtesy of the ADA Health Policy Institute

Aligning with the ADA’s recommendation that dental practices temporarily discontinue non-emergency appointments during the COVID-19 pandemic, a recent report from an ongoing biweekly poll by the ADA Health Policy Institute (HPI) indicates that 95% of more than 19,000 dentists in the United States surveyed are either accepting patients for emergency care only or have closed their practices completely.  

The poll, which was launched the week of March 23, is intended to gather data on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the dental industry that will be used to aid the ADA in formulating a response to the pandemic to support dentists during this time. 

Of the respondents, approximately 76% are only seeing emergency patients but are otherwise closed, 19% have completely shut down, and 5% have stayed open but are reporting fewer patients than normal. Less than 1% have reported being open and doing business as usual.        

When asked about practice finances, 82% of respondents reported collections were less than a quarter of what is typical. In addition, 45% of practices reported partially paying staff for the current week, while 27% said that staff were receiving full pay. Twenty-eight percent reported not paying any staff.

HPI has made the full results available online. To participate in the ongoing poll, click here

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