Industry News

ADA Reaffirms Its Support of Dental Amalgam in Response to Recent Study

The University of Georgia recently reported that amalgam restorations may significantly contribute to prolonged mercury levels in the body. However, the ADA has examined the study and reaffirms its position that dental amalgam is a durable, safe, and effective cavity-filling option.

The ADA notes that the mercury levels cited in the study did not exceed a level that would be known to cause adverse health effects, according to National Academy of Sciences standards. So, the ADA states, no conclusions about the safety of dental amalgam should be drawn from the study’s findings.

Also, the ADA contends that the study used data that included 2 different types of dental materials: composite, which does not contain mercury, and dental amalgam, made from a combination of metals including silver, copper, tin, and mercury. The ADA states that since the study does not differentiate between the 2 materials, its findings may be prone to over-interpretation.

Citing multiple studies by academic, professional, and government agencies, the ADA has published a formal statement on dental amalgam’s safety and effectiveness. It also offers information about all dental filling material options for patients online

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