Industry News

AGD Releases Guidance for Returning to Work

The Academy of General Dentistry (AGD) has released its AGD Member Return to Work Guidance, a tool designed to help general dentists as they resume elective procedures following practice alterations due to COVID-19.

The guidance suggests measures for pre-appointment, intra-appointment, and post-appointment. Recommendations include methods for scheduling, screening, and testing for COVID-19, as well as ways to enhance infection control measures and post-appointment strategies.

“As government officials in the US and Canada begin to ease restrictions of elective procedures, general dentists are preparing to resume care operations in their practices,” said Connie White, DDS, AGD president.

“The health and safety of our patients and our staff is critical to our members. This resource offers general dentists a guide to walk them through details related to resuming full-time operations,” said White.

Dentistry has a strong record of leading in infection control, as it did during the HIV/AIDS crisis, the AGD said. Dentists manage bloodborne and other contagious respiratory infectious diseases effectively in dental offices with adherence to recommended standard precautions, the AGD said.

White also noted that AGD members are committed to their patients, staff, and community and want to ensure their continued safety.

“This tool combines best practices from a number of sources and industry experts and is a great resource,” said White.

“General dentists remain challenged by evolving direction from their state, dental board, and regulatory agencies as they work to ensure their practices are in compliance. This resource aims to ease the process and reduce the challenges for general dentists as they evaluate design changes to workspaces, reconfigured operational procedures, and adjusted schedules,” White said.

The Return to Work Guidance tool and additional resources are available online.

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