The Academy of Laser Dentistry (ALD) has installed its roster of offices for 2019 and 2020. They will serve in these roles until ALD 2020, which is scheduled for April 4 through April 6 next year in San Diego.
Mel Burchman, DDS, has been named president. He has maintained a private dental practice in Langhorne, Pennsylvania, for 38 years and has been using lasers for more than 18 years. In addition to serving in previous leadership roles with the organization and holding ALD Mastership status, he received the ALD Leon Goldman Award for Clinical Excellence in 2012.
Ed Kusek, DDS, has been named president-elect. He is in private general practice in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Also, he has served as ALD communications chair and testing subcommittee chair. He holds masterships in the Academy of General Dentistry and the ALD as well is diplomate status with the American Board of Oral Implantology/Implant Dentistry.
Arun Darbar, BDS, has been named treasurer. He has been a clinical laser user for nearly 25 years. With ALD Mastership and Educator status, he has served as co-chair of the group’s education and certification and its relations committees. He maintains a private dental practice in Leighton Buzzard in the United Kingdom.
Samuel B. Low, DDS, MS, Med, has been named secretary. He is professor emeritus at the University of Florida College of Dentistry with 30 years of private practice experience in periodontics and implant placement and 12 years with laser management of the periodontal patient. He is a past trustee of the ADA as well.
Raminta Mastis, DDS, is the immediate past president. She maintains a private dental practice focused on implant surgery and restoration, laser dentistry, and aesthetic and cosmetic dentistry in St. Clair Shores, Michigan, and has been using lasers since 2000. A holder of ALD Mastership status, she has held numerous leadership roles with the organization.
Gail S. Siminovsky, CAE, is executive director, a position she has held since 1999. She also serves the ALD board as an advisor and is a member of the group’s 22 committees. She is a member of the ADA’s Committee on Dental Meetings and the National Coalition of General Dental Organizations as well.
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