Industry News

AO Offers Certificate in Implant Dentistry

The Academy of Osseointegration (AO) now offers the AO Certificate in Implant Dentistry. According to the organization, it represents the highest standards of excellence in implant dentistry and distinguishes practitioners’ continuing education (CE) efforts and knowledge to patients and colleagues.

“The AO Certificate challenges dedicated implant clinicians to attain their personal best,” said Dr. Amerian Sones, chair of AO’s fellowship and certificate committee. “Certificate qualifications will guide clinicians on an organized and clear path to achievement.”

The application can be found on the AO website, along with a Q&A and supporting resources. AO members may select the application that best suits their training, with a focus on surgery, restorative, or both. To qualify, applicants will be evaluated based on CE and core knowledge, as well as case reports.

First, applicants must provide evidence of verifiable CE units for a 3-year period on implant-related material, totaling 200 hours, including 85 hours of core knowledge CE. The CE training, including lectures and hands-on work, emphasizing surgical and/or restorative protocols must be obtained from ADA-CERP recognized providers. Applicants will need to provide digital copies of certificates of training.

Second, applicants must submit 4 case presentations to be evaluated, using AO’s case presentation template. Presentations must cover single tooth, fixed partial denture (fixed bridge), full-arch fixed reconstruction, and overdenture cases. One of these cases should fulfill an immediate temporization/loading protocol. Each case presentation requires a witnessing signature.

“This certificate can also help patients select their clinician with the knowledge that they are not only members of AO, the premier implant organization globally, but have also been recognized by the Academy for their continuing education and practice in the field of dental implants,” said Dr. Michael Norton, board liaison to the fellowship and certificate committee.

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