Industry News

App Lets Orthodontics Patients Share Their Smiles

Kids may hate their braces, and their compliance with treatment can be poor. But they love their iPhones and iPads, and an app from Fast Digital Signs aims to improve that compliance and make kids feel better about the way their braces look.

Available from the Apple App Store for free, Snap Smile Share offers 3 key features. First, the app sends daily texts to the user’s phone with reminders to change aligners, replace elastics, or wear their retainer. Users can customize these alerts by type and by frequency.

Second, the app creates time-lapse videos showing the patient’s teeth straightening and smile improving. With in-app filters, alignment, and cropping functions, users can take a perfect picture with their phone each time. The app then saves the video to the phone’s photo file for viewing or sharing on social media.

Finally, users with traditional braces can see how they would look virtually with different elastic colors. They then can share pictures of their color selections and get input from their friends about which ones they should choose. Once users decide, they can save a picture and show it to their orthodontist when it’s time to change their ligatures.

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