Industry News

ARDII Schedules Global Symposium for September

The American R&D Institute of Implantology (ARDII), created as the educational arm of SpiralTech Dental Implants, provides educational lectures to dentists experienced and inexperienced alike. It also conducts research with top universities around the country such as the Northwestern School of Engineering. With continuous contributions from doctors, world-class research from universities, and educational lectures internationally, ARDII says, it plans on providing the next level of implant surgery experience. Scheduled for September 19 through September 21 in Chicago, ARDII’s Global Symposium 2019 will be led by doctors Gordon Christensen, Michael Pikos, Joe Massad, Scott Ganz, and more. It will be informative, exciting, and certainly something that will contribute to every dental office, ARDII reports. For more information, visit

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