Industry News

Aspen Earns PACE Designation

Aspen Dental Management Inc (ADMI) has earned the Program Approval for Continuing Education (PACE) designation from the Academy of General Dentistry (AGD).

PACE was established to create, improve, and promote quality dental continuing education and to help the dental profession identify and participate in quality continuing education opportunities, according to ADMI.

As an approved PACE provider, ADMI said it has demonstrated its commitment to creating and delivering continuing education programs that support PACE’s rigorous standards, which ensure that educational organizations follow generally accepted best practices in offering continuing education programs.

“Seeking and receiving this prestigious designation further demonstrates ADMI’s commitment to delivering scientifically sound continuing dental education,” said Bob Fontana, chairman, CEO, and founder of ADMI.

“Our goal has always been to enhance the knowledge, skills, and ability of Aspen Dental doctors and clinical staff so they can continue providing the highest quality of service to the public and the profession,” Fontana said.

To be considered for PACE designation, national and international organizations that provide programs in more than one state or province or draw a significant number of participants from more than one state or province submit applications that are reviewed by a committee.

Program providers must adhere to more than a dozen published standards and criteria in different areas to receive and maintain approval status.

“Fostering an environment of learning is at the core of what we do. The industry is ever-evolving, and staying at the forefront of knowledge and technology is undoubtedly a priority for ADMI,” said Arwinder Judge, DDS, chief clinical officer at ADMI.

“We have an incredible team dedicated to creating and managing the significant amount of education ADMI provides each year. The PACE approval is an honorable recognition of the team’s hard work, as well as our greater commitment to the development of Aspen Dental doctors, hygienists, dental assistants, and lab technicians with continuing education, now and in the future,” Judge said.

ADMI’s learning and development department aims to provide a true continuum of learning by creating diverse educational resources for clinical staff from the novice to the most advanced practitioners, the company said.

Program providers approved through the AGD are approved to offer credit hours that can be applied toward the AGD’s Fellowship and Mastership award programs.

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