Industry News

Bids Invited for FluidFile Assets

In accordance with the Lod District Court (honorable judge Weinberg-Notovich) order dated January 18th, 2021, a notice is hereby given regarding an invitation to submit bids for the Acquisition of the assets (including its registered patents and their Prototype) of FluidFile Ltd. 515122794 (in Receivership) (“FluidFile”).

The assets of FluidFile include its registered patents in the name of FluidFile that were examined, approved, and granted by examiners in many countries around the world including USA, Europe, Japan, Israel, Canada, Singapore, China, India, Mexico, Eurasia (former Russia), South Africa, etc. and also a prototype of a groundbreaking medical device in the field of endodontics (root canal treatments), as seen on FluidFile’s website

The device is intended for use by dentists and those engaged in root canal treatments. The innovative technology consists of liquid, air and micro, bio-compatible abrasive particles which spin in the tooth root canal at high speed with centrifugal force combined with suction flow, capable of cleaning, widening, and disinfecting the root canals in three dimensions including complex root canals that cannot be cleaned and treated by conventional method today, in less than 40 seconds instead of the 30 to 90 minutes required today. The entire treatment process using the device is performed (non-invasively) without the use of manual and mechanical files used by dentists today. The device is portable, compact, and easy to use, even by dentists who are not specialized in root canal treatments.

Information regarding FluidFile’s assets, the tender documents, and the bid form may be obtained by signing a non-disclosure agreement and a transfer of 1,000 NIS (i.e. $307) plus VAT if applicable to the receivership account. Assistance in this matter will be available by Mr. Aviv Sela adv., of Nov, Kesner, Snir & Co. Law Offices (at +972-3-5441411 or by email

The offer must be submitted by way of delivering the bid form after completing the details of the bidder, the details of the bid and the amount of the proposed consideration, duly signed by the bidder as detailed in the bid form, to the offices of the receiver, Ms. Hanit Nov adv. (the “Receiver”) at NoKS House, 2 Menorat Hamaor St., Tel-Aviv 6744830 Israel, by no later than March 24th, 2021 at 16:00. VAT will be added to the amount of the consideration that will be specified in the offer, if applicable.

As a pre-condition for the participation of the bid in the tender, a cashier’s check or independent (autonomous) bank guarantee must be attached to the offer, made out to the Receiver, for the sum of 10% of the overall consideration, which shall remain in force for at least six months onward. The cashier’s check or the independent (autonomous) bank guarantee will be forfeited by the Receiver if the bidder will not pay the consideration according to the offer and or will cause any kind of damage to the acquisition processes, while other receivers’ remedies will not detract by the mention above.

The Receiver and/or anyone on her behalf, will not be held responsible for the Company’s condition, assets, activity, or businesses and/or any other matter regarding the Company as mentioned above. The bidder shall be solely responsible for all the above matters.

The Acquisition is based on the state of the assets in their physical and legal state at the time of the sale (‘As Is – Where is’) and the bidder will be solely responsible for the examination of all matters related to FluidFile and its assets.

The Bidder Will be required to sign a detailed agreement prepared by the Receiver.

The sale is not subject to the laws of tender and the Receiver is not obligated to accept the highest offer or any other offer. The Receiver may, at her exclusive discretion, conduct a quasi-tender, negotiations and/or a competitive bidding process, whether face-to-face or by telecommunication or by any other method, participated by all bidders and/or part of them, contemporaneously and/or separately and/or may conduct a repeat competitive bidding process, and she reserve the right to not to accept any bid.

The Receiver will not bear any payment whatsoever for the presenting of FluidFile, the contacting of bidders and/or brokers’ fees, of any kind and sort.

The sale is subject to the approval of the Lod District Court and other approvals that are mandatory by law.

The Receiver reserves the right to extend and/or change the date set by them.

Hanit Nov, Adv.

Receiver for

FluidFile Ltd. (in Receivership)
