Industry News

Brasseler USA Updates Aluminum Bur Blocks with Silicone Inserts

Brasseler USA®, a leading manufacturer of quality instrumentation, is pleased to introduce an updated version of its standard aluminum bur block. Brasseler USA now offers aluminum bur blocks equipped with silicone inserts for optimum security and organization.

The newly added silicone inserts provide a number of benefits making custom rotary procedure organization efficient and easy. The burs rest within the silicone inserts inside the aluminum block providing enhanced instrument retention, securing the bur firmly in place to avoid common slip or fall-out incidents.  

The new and improved aluminum bur blocks with silicone inserts are available for both clinical and laboratory rotary procedure instruments. The bur blocks are available in a wide variety of colors making rotary procedure organization completely customizable for each unique individual practice requirement. 

Available in a wide variety of sizes and slot numbers, the updated aluminum bur blocks have a versatile layout design with silicone inserts ready to accept any size or shape bur. The bur blocks are fully autoclavable and are validated for both block and instrument sterility. 

Moreover, the updated aluminum bur blocks are completely customizable to include laser-etched clinician or practice name, procedure, bur numbers and silhouette. Users can simply match up shapes, colors, and/or customized laser-etched bur blocks to experience unprecedented rotary procedure organization for custom-made configuration of burs and diamonds.

For more information about Brasseler’s updated aluminum bur blocks, please visit or call 800-841-4522.