Industry News

Celebrate Dental Implant Awareness Month This September

Photo by Dr. Gordon Christensen:

September is Dental Implant Awareness Month, sponsored by the American Academy of Implant Dentistry (AAID). This year’s theme, “What’s Your Reason to Smile?” focuses on the many ways dental implants can have a life-changing impact, the AAID reports.

“Dental Implant Awareness Month is a great opportunity to raise awareness on making informed, healthy decisions regarding dental implants,” said AAID president and Dentistry Today Leader in Continuing Education Natalie Wong, DDS.

“Dental implants can inspire newfound life and confidence. When you see the look and smile on someone’s face, it’s truly incredible,” said Wong.

The AAID’s patient-focused website is designed to provide expert, state of the art information about dental implants and includes a search tool so patients can find highly qualified implant dentists in their area.

Also, the AAID Foundation is raising money for its Wish A Smile Program. Under the program, AAID-credentialed dentists provide free services to individuals who are financially disadvantaged, have a congenital defect, and are in need of dental implants.

Andrew, 24, a self-taught artist and poet living with Down syndrome and autism spectrum disorder, is among the beneficiaries of Wish A Smile. His two top teeth never grew in, causing bite and speech issues.

Through Wish A Smile, John Minichetti, DMD, replaced Andrew’s missing teeth for free, improving his oral health and self-confidence. After the surgery, Andrew expressed his gratitude through his artwork and poetry.

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