Industry News

Dr. Connie L. White Named AGD President

The Academy of General Dentistry (AGD) House of Delegates installed new officers during its annual meeting in Chicago, held November 8 through November 10. Connie L. White, DDS, a general dentist from Kansas City, Missouri, was named president.

White, who also is an associate professor, interim dean for clinical programs, and assistant dean for community relations and communications at the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Dentistry, said she is eager to focus on issues impacting how general dentists engage with AGD as well as how they practice and deliver quality care to patients.

“I am confident that, together, we can accomplish a lot during my year as president. I want to work with everyone to create a mosaic of impactful change,” said White.

“Academia, mentoring young people, and my love of dentistry and learning have been my life. They’re how I found AGD, and I have shared my love of AGD with every student I have known for just over 40 years of teaching and practice,” White said. 

The House of Delegates also named Gerald J. Botko, DMD, MS, vice president; Abe Dyzenhaus, DDS, secretary; Bryan C. Edgar, DDS, speaker of the house; Bruce L. Cassis, DDS, president-elect; Elizabeth A. Clemente, DDS, treasurer; Roger D. Winland, DDS, MS, editor; and Neil J. Gajjar, DDS, immediate past president. The regional elections selected: 

  • Region 2: Seung-Hee Rhee, DDS, regional director, and Ira A. Levine, DDS, trustee
  • Region 3: Kurt J. Laemmer, DMD, regional director, and Michael K. Kaner, trustee
  • Region 4: Shari L. Hyder, DMD, regional director, and Scott M. Dubowsky, DMD, trustee
  • Region 12: Kristopher P. Rappold, DDS, regional director, and K. David Stillwell, DDS, trustee
  • Region 18: Marc J. Worob, DDS, regional director, and David M. Tillman, DDS, trustee
  • Region 20: Merlin P. Ohmer, DDS, regional director

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