The Endo-Eze endodontic hand files and burs from Ultradent Products were designed with shaping efficiency and superior instrumentation in mind, along with the comfortable transmission of the operator’s movements.
“What makes these files so efficient is a combination of the high-end technology of the grinding machines being used to manufacture the files, along with the high quality of the alloy used,” says Tami Anderson, endodontic brand manager at Ultradent. “Additionally, each file is individually inspected during the quality control process to ensure they are manufactured under the original design specifications.”
According to the company, the devices offer the balanced flexibility and resistance of a full range of K-Files; the sharpness and cutting ability with added flexibility of NiTi K-Files; and the spiral-designed, fluted Hedstrom Files (H-Files). Also, the Flex Files are made of stainless steel alloy with increased flexibility, while the Finger Spreaders help to safely open the space for lateral compaction of the gutta-percha.
“The stainless steel thermal treated alloy has physical and mechanical properties that can render endodontic instruments more flexible and more resistant to fatigue than those made from a conventional stainless steel wire,” Anderson says. “A proprietary thermomechanical processing procedure is used to produce flexible wire blanks with higher tensile strength and fatigue resistance compared with conventional stainless steel wire for hand instruments.”
This alloy treatment gives the stainless steel and nickel-titanium files the flexibility to negotiate curvatures and the resistance needed to advance to the apical third. The ergonomic handles are designed to help improve clinical performance, offering better tactile feedback and reduced fatigue, the company says.
“We are using a new design for the handles, based on clinical feedback,” Anderson says. “During a blind test, we offered clinicians several prototypes of handles to get feedback on the best design. The test was based on controlling the instrument and comfortable handling.”
Additionally, the Endo-Eze line includes the Peeso Reamer Bur and the Gates Glidden Bur. Designed to prepare the canal orifice for straight-line access, the Peeso Reamer Bur can be used for the initial removal of gutta-percha in retreatment. The Gates Glidden Bur allows for deeper penetration in straight canals but can also be used in the straight section of curved canals. Both feature a non-cutting tip for increased safety.
“In the past, Peeso Reamers had cutting points at the leading edge of the tip. This force tends to cut a ledge along the furthest-most point reached by the instrument,” Anderson says. “By the time the operator is aware that a ledge has been created, it is often nearly impossible to pass the instrument into the canal. Our burs have a tip designed without the active cutting edges that are present at the tip of some burs available in the market.”
For more information, call (800) 552-5512 or go to ultradent.com.