Industry News

Forward Science Partners With Hygiene Mastery on Training

Forward Science has partnered with Hygiene Mastery, a company focused on dental hygiene training and support by dental hygienists, to provide enhanced support and education for the dental industry. This education will include Forward Science’s products such as its OralID oral cancer screening device.  

“Anytime you have advanced technology, education is key to success,” said Forward Science cofounder and CEO Robert J. Whitman. “In efforts to increase our education for offices, we are excited to partner with the Hygiene Mastery coaches and team to add another layer of support for even more offices.” 

“We are excited to have partnered with Forward Science to provide the latest technology for our dental teams. We always look for advanced products and services to provide for our offices, and Forward Science has some of the best,” said Shannon Richkowski, founder and director of hygiene mastery.

Forward Science recently hosted the Hygiene Mastery team at its world headquarters in Houston. The Forward Science team shared its story of how the company started in addition to performing product training and providing a preview of what is in its future product pipeline.

“We believe it is important to not only partner with a company because of their products, but just as significant is the belief in the company itself,” said Whiteman. “Both companies share the goal of advanced healthcare through advanced technology and support for our offices.”

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