Industry News

General Anesthesia Permit Restricted Following Patient Death

The Washington State Department of Health Dental Quality Assurance Commission has restricted the general anesthesia permit of King County dentist Geoffrey T. Bean, DDS, pending further legal action. 

The commission charges that Bean administered anesthesia to a patient with multiple medical problems. The patient’s blood pressure decreased, and he subsequently went into cardiac arrest and died the next day. Bean allegedly didn’t consult with the patient’s physician and didn’t report the incident to the commission, the commission says.

Bean is restricted from administering general anesthesia to patients who meet the American Society of Anesthesiologists Physical Status classification level three and higher until charges are resolved.

This restriction limits his ability to provide general anesthesia to patients with medically complex conditions that are at higher risk for anesthesia related complications. Effective May 30, Bean has 20 days to respond to the charges and request a hearing.

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