Industry News

Going to Yankee Dental? There’s an App for That

Scheduled for January 27 to January 31 at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center, Yankee Dental Congress 2016 will offer more than 300 continuing education (CE) courses and events with more than 450 exhibitors on its floor. And the 27,000 guests expected to attend can navigate all of them right from their smartphone with a free app.

The app directs users to their courses and room locations. It also enables attendees to claim their CE credits and email copies of their transcripts to themselves. Users can add sessions and meetings to their schedules through the app as well. And, they can view real-time updates and show specials.

Attendees additionally can search for exhibitors based on location. Plus, the Locate Me feature keeps users from getting lost. Users also can view special offers from local merchants. The app connects to industry news on Facebook and other social media, too. Furthermore, all of this access to up-to-the-minute info is available through a single icon.

The app is available on the App Store for iPhones, iPads, and iPods and on Google Play for Android devices. Attendees with Windows Phone and BlackBerries can enter into their browsers. Or, attendees can scan the QR code at  

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