Industry News

Great Expressions Dental Centers Hosted Annual “Top Gun” Awards Ceremony To Honor Top Performing Doctors And Celebrate Company Success

BLOOMFIELD HILLS, Mich. – June 10, 2013 – Great Expressions Dental Centers (GEDC), a leading dental service organization with affiliated dental offices in nine states, hosted their annual “Top Gun” awards this month where they brought nearly 100 of their top-performing doctors and clinical directors together to be honored for their superior performance, proving care and leadership over the past year.

The “Top Gun” ceremony honors top performing doctors based on patient care, dedication to mentorship programs and philanthropic efforts. This is the third year for the annual conference that was held on May 3 in Orlando, FL. There, GEDC honored all doctors who attended including special recognition for Dr. Syretta Wells (Stockbridge, GA) who received the Humanitarian Award for her clinic work in Liberia, Dr. Joanna Magazine (Pinellas Park, FL) who received the award for Best Aesthetic Case and Dr. Dionne Colbert (Fayetteville, GA) who received the award for Best Restorative Case.

“I’m honored to have received the Humanitarian Award for the work I completed on my mission trip to Liberia,” said GEDC’s Dr. Syretta Wells of Stockbridge, GA. “As a part of a four person team we provided care to more than 250 patients in five days. Despite having no X-ray units, no electricity and no running water, we were able to provide exams, extractions, sealants, fluoride and oral hygiene education to hundreds of patients.”

“We couldn’t be more proud of our network of 360 doctors who demonstrate excellence in their field of dentistry and make patient care a top priority,” said Richard Beckman, chief executive officer of Great Expressions Dental Centers. “The ‘Top Gun’ awards ceremony provides the opportunity to acknowledge those doctors who go above and beyond the call of duty to improve oral healthcare among our patients as well as those in need.”

As a result of their top-performing doctors and staff, GEDC also celebrated their inclusion in Inc. magazine’s inaugural Hire Power Awards as a top job creator in the country as well as on the Inc. 5000 List, which presents the fastest-growing private companies in America. In 2012 GEDC affiliated four practices, gaining 34 offices throughout Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, New Jersey and New York, increasing their footprint by nearly 20%.

About Great Expressions
For nearly 40 years, Great Expressions Dental Centers (GEDC) has been a leader in providing preventative dental care, orthodontics and specialty care with local offices in Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, Ohio and Virginia. One of the largest privately owned dental service organizations in the United States, GEDC is consistently recognized for contributions to improving oral health through quality and safety initiatives, affordable dental care services, patient convenience, research and more. For more information, go to