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Harcum College’s Director of Professional Studies Named to Penn. State Board of Dentistry

Bryn Mawr, PA – March 15, 2012 – Chalfont-resident Theresa Groody, Director of Professional Studies at Harcum College, has been appointed to serve a six-year term as a member of the Pennsylvania State Board of Dentistry. Groody was confirmed by the Pennsylvania Senate and appointed by Governor Corbett to serve as the first Expanded Function Dental Assistant (EFDA) on the board.

The scope of practice of the board was recently expanded to include two additional seats, and Groody is filling the newly created position for anEDFA. As a board member, she will serve on the EFDA and Scope of Practice Committees.

“The State Board of Dentistry plays a vital role in ensuring high levels of integrity and performance in the practice of dentistry, and I look forward to contributing to the board’s mission in my new position,” said Groody. “Many dental boards across the country invite auxiliaries to serve on the board, but Pennsylvania is one of the few that allows full voting rights for such members. So I am extremely grateful to the state and honored to serve on this board with such highly esteemed dental professionals.”

Groody holds an Associate Degree in Expanded Function Dental Assisting from Manor College, a Bachelor of Health Science in Education from Gwynedd-Mercy College and a Masters of Education in Instructional Technology from Arcadia University. After working as a Director of the EFDA Program at Manor College, she was appointed an adjunct professor at Harcum College, where she was eventually promoted to Assistant Dean for Dental Programs in the School of Continuing Studies and then to her current position as Director of Professional Studies. Groody was also a founding member of the Pennsylvania EFDA Association and is currently a member of the American Dental Assistants Association.

About Harcum College
Harcum College, one of Pennsylvania’s first independent, two-year colleges, was founded in Bryn Mawr, PA in 1915 and was the first college in Pennsylvania chartered by the state to grant associate degrees. Harcum offers fully accredited, career-ready majors in nursing, the allied health professions, business and social sciences on campus, online, and regionally, as well as lifelong learning programs and corporate training.