Industry News

Heraeus Celebrates Expanded Facebook Presence

SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, May 21, 2012 —Heraeus Kulzer, LLC, the worldwide leader in dental esthetics, recently expanded its presence on Facebook in order to better support its customers.  Visitors who “like” the company’s page between now and June 30, 2012 will be entered in a drawing for one of 60 Venus Diamond composite kits featuring either syringes or PLTs (pre-loaded tips).    

The Venus Diamond kit includes 6 commonly used shades of Venus Diamond composite, a shade guide, iBond® Total Etch adhesive samples, and Venus Supra high-gloss polisher  samples, providing everything needed for a complete restoration.                

Heraeus’ Facebook page, called “Heraeus Dental 360,” can be found at is designed to be an online gathering place for Heraeus customers to get and share ideas and tips on esthetic materials and procedures.

Recent posts on the page include:

  • Regular content from Lee Ann Brady, DMD with links to her blog posts.
  • Case photos and anecdotes featuring Heraeus products from several clinicians.
  • Links to numerous Heraeus videos.
  • Special offers and giveaways.
  • FREE CE webinar announcements and convenient registration links.
  • Relevant articles and news from industry publications.

The page also contains: interesting information about the company; listings of Heraeus products; photos of products, clinical cases, and dental shows and other events; information regarding the company’s many social responsibility initiatives; and news feeds of Heraeus’ latest news releases.

Heraeus has maintained a Facebook presence since 2009, although it used the “Venus Smile” name until 2011.

 “We created our Facebook page for two main reasons,” said Karen Nemes, Heraeus’ Marketing Services Manager. “First, to make it easy and enjoyable for our customers, and for dental professionals who are thinking about becoming our customers, to access helpful information about our products and how best to use them.  Second, to enable visitors to share their ideas and insights with us and with each other.  That’s where the page’s name comes from: ‘Heraeus Dental 360’ means that we take a 360-degree perspective when it comes to interacting with our customers. After all, great ideas can come from anyone or any direction.”

For more information on Heraeus or its products, call (800) 431-1785 or visit