Industry News

High-Power LED Headlight Cuts the Cords

Many wireless headlights require a cumbersome combination of batteries and electronics integrated into loupes and headsets. The LED DayLite WireLess from Designs for Vision, though, offers a simplified setup. It doesn’t need a battery pack, and it works independently with many existing loupes, headbands, and safety frames.

“The WireLess headlight attaches via our T-Mount system,” said John T. Walsh, corporate vice president of Designs for Vision. The T-Mount system can be attached to headgear manufactured by Designs for Vision and its competitors alike, and the LED DayLite WireLess uses a female connector to attach to the T-Mount.

At 1.4 oz, the headlight won’t be a burden on any of this eyewear either. When attached to a pair of loupes, the combined weight is still half the weight of integrated cordless lights and loupes, according to the company. Its simple micro-electronic design, with a rechargeable battery pod threading into the headlight, enables the low weight.

Also, users can change the adjustable light output via capacitive touch anywhere on the silver band around its circumference, with no buttons to push. Designs for Vision says that users will get plenty of light to illuminate the entire oral cavity.

“The first touch turns the unit on to the 40,000-lux setting. The second touch turns the light to the 27,000-lux setting. The third touch turns off the headlight,” Mr. Walsh said.

That high output won’t tax the rechargeable lithium-ion power pod, though. Each pod can operate for 100 to 250 minutes before recharging. Each LED DayLite Wireless headlight comes 3 power pods and a charging cradle that can independently recharge 2 pods at the same time, showing the progress of each charge cycle. Each pod only requires 50 minutes to recharge.

For more information, call (800) 345-4009 or visit

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