Industry News

In Memoriam: Carl E. Misch, DDS, MDS, PhD (hc)

Carl Misch, DDS, MDS, PhD (hc), was a true giant in the world of implantology. His passion for the science of implant dentistry was unparalleled as were his accomplishments. Dr. Misch was a prosthodontic specialist in addition to having an implant certificate and master’s degree from the University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine. Dr. Misch was the clinical professor and director of oral implantology in the department of periodontology at the Maurice H. Kornberg School of Dentistry at Temple University. Dr. Misch had more than 250 published articles, and authored textbooks including Contemporary Implant Dentistry, currently in its 3rd edition and published in 9 languages. As the owner and director of the Misch International Implant Institute, Dr. Misch has educated more than 4,500 dentists worldwide. Misch Institute was considered by many as one of the best venues for dental implant surgical, bone grafting, and prosthetic implant training. The Misch Institute has been the primary educational venue for 6 dental school specialty residences and has had presence in 9 countries. With so many accomplishments and an extremely successful impact on the world of implant dentistry, Dr. Carl Misch will be forever missed and eternally respected.   

To make a donation to the Misch Legacy Endowment, a joint venture of the International Congress of Oral Implantology and the International College of Dentists, click here.

To read Dr. Misch’s most recent article with Dentistry Today, click here