The Dental Infection Control Boot Camp, held in Atlanta from January 11 through January 13, set records for attendance, speakers, and content, according to its sponsor, the Organization for Safety, Aepsis and Prevention (OSAP). The program covers core infection prevention fundamentals for dental practitioners.
The event featured a record 15 speakers, including 5 representatives from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the director of the CDC’s Division of Oral Health, Katherine Weno, DDS, JD. Attendees also got to preview the CDC’s Summary of Infection Prevention Practices in Dental Settings: Basic Expectations for Safe Care.
Activities included “Traveling the Instrument Processing Pathway,” which provided hands-on training addressing the precleaning, transport, washing, and disinfection of instruments; instrument wrapping and chemical indicators and integrators; and sterilizer loading, unloading, and monitoring.
“We are very fortunate to have a stellar faculty of world-renowned infection prevention experts who will contribute their knowledge and expertise to this curriculum,” said OSAP executive director Therese Long. “The manufacturers and distributors also are generous supporters of the course and we recognize them and thank them for their commitment to OSAP and dental safety.”
The annual Boot Camp program is designed for dental personnel who want to learn more about infection control, infection control coordinators, educators, compliance officers, federal service employees with infection control responsibilities, federally qualified health center personnel, consultants, and sales representatives.
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