Industry News

iSmile Dental Products Moves to New Larger Facility

iSmile Dental Products, Inc. has moved to into a new offi ce and warehouse facility to accommodate its increasing product lines and growing sales.

The new iSmile offi ce and warehouse complex is located at 4201 Sierra Point Drive, Suite 102 in Sacramento, California. The new facility features 17,000 square feet of work space, which is three times larger than the previously occupied offi ce and warehouse space.

"With an increase in volume from new customers last year as well as continued business we’ve sustained since opening in 2008, we realized the need to upgrade our facility in order to best serve our growing customer base." said President and CEO Bryan Shields.

To find out more information about iSmile Dental Products and to join our growing list of dental offi ce customers, please visit our website at or call us at (888) 745-iSDP. For more information, please contact Bryan Shields at (916) 928-0359 x100 or