Industry News

Issuance of U.S. Patent Covering Guides for Dental Full Arch Surgery and Immediate Restoration


Watson Guide I.P. LLC, a medical device company focused on developing innovative full arch dental guides for safer, more predictable guided full arch restorations, announced that the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has issued U.S. Patent No. 11,173,016 which is directed to methods and apparatus related to full arch implant guided surgery through the use of a fixation base as a mounting jig for a plurality of guides and installation of multi-tooth dental restorations.

Watson’s trademarked brand system CHROME GuidedSMILE (separately trademarked) are products fabricated in partnership with ROE Dental Laboratory. CHROME GuidedSMILE has rapidly evolved into the market-leading full arch guided surgery product on the market.

In addition, CHROME has a national network of 30+ certified national labs which have access to the CHROME GuidedSMILE IP, allowing them to provide this innovative product to their customer base. To find these certified labs, go to

“The highly engineered effectiveness of CHROME GuidedSMILE has been apparent to many in the dental manufacturing world and has resulted in numerous unlicensed versions of the design. We are delighted that this issuance of US patent 11,173,016 clears up any ambiguity concerning the first-to-market innovations that CHROME GuidedSMILE has brought to the dental community.” said Jay Watson, Inventor and CEO of Watson Guide I.P LLC. Watson Guide I.P. LLC will be represented in the protection of the CHROME GuidedSMILE patent by Karish & Bjorgum Intellectual Property Law Firm (Pasadena, California).

“We believe this to be is the most exhaustive and detailed patent on full arch guided surgery in dentistry today. The patent reflects the near decade spent in consistent R&D and field testing. At this stage.” said BJ Kowalski CEO of ROE Dental Laboratory.


CHROME GuidedSMILE is the brainchild of Jay Watson (La Canada, California). Its primary focus is creative solutions in the field of guided surgery. CHROME GuidedSMILE has been used by thousands of doctors, aiding tens of thousands of patients nationally and internationally.