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Lin Wins AAPD Graduate Student Research Award

Yuyin Lin, DDS, a third-year resident in pediatric dentistry at the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Dentistry, has won the 2021 American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) Graduate Student Research Award (GSRA).

Lin’s research, “Chemical, Physical and Antibacterial Properties of Contemporary Pulp Capping Materials,” compared the calcium-releasing, pH changes, water sorption and solubility, and antibacterial effects against Streptococcus mutans and Enterococcus faecalis of eight contemporary direct pulp capping materials.

“A better understanding of the clinical relevant properties of different pulp capping materials will help clinical decision making in choosing a pulp capping material for achieving the best clinical outcome,” Lin said.

Lin’s mentors included Nate Lawson, DMD, Ping Zhang, DDS, PhD, Kyounga Cheon, DMD, MS, and Janice Jackson, DMD.

The AAPD established the GSRA in 1989 for pediatric dentistry residents and recent graduates for completed research projects with significant findings. Awardees present their research during the AAPD Annual Session.

Also, awardees receive complimentary registration to the Annual Session as well as a cash award and plaque presented during the event’s General Assembly. A matching cash award is presented to each finalist’s training program as well.

Lin is one of eight residents from more than 90 pediatric dentistry residency programs across the United States and Canada to receive the award this year.

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