Industry News

Lucy Hobbs Project Seeks Nominations for Annual Awards

In 1866, Dr. Lucy Hobbs was the first woman in the United States to earn a degree in dentistry. And on April 27 and 28 in 2017, the Lucy Hobbs Project will celebrate her legacy and honor today’s practitioners with its 5th Annual Celebration at Loews Hotel in Philadelphia. Nominations for this year’s awards will be considered in 6 categories:

  • Woman to Watch: an up-and-coming leader who uses her position to create positive change in the industry;
  • Industry Icon: a trailblazer who is consistently recognized and admired for her work in the dental industry;
  • Mentor: an advisor who recognizes the importance of supporting, educating, and encouraging others;
  • Innovator: a groundbreaker who demonstrates a willingness to implement new technologies and business processes without fear of potential failure;
  • Humanitarian: an altruist who works tirelessly for a charity or cause that benefits the well being of others;
  • Clinical Expert: a skillful practitioner who embraces advances and adeptly integrates them into patient care.

Nominations are due by November 18. Individuals and organizations alike may submit nominations. Self-nominations will be accepted as well. All nominations must be complete and submitted via the online survey at

Sponsored by Benco Dental, the 5th Annual Celebration also will feature a keynote speaker and the opportunity to earn continuing education credits. The Lucy Hobbs Project, which aims to bring together women from all facets of dentistry, is free to join and offers networking opportunities, educational programs, and charitable events.

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