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MacPractice Announces New iPad Patient Registration Clipboard Apps

Lincoln, NE – MacPractice, the leading Apple developer of practice management and clinical software for doctors’ offices on Macs, iPhones and iPads, today announced the launch of MacPractice MD, DDS, DC and 20/20 Clipboard iPad Apps that will streamline patient registration and leverage the efficiency and ease of use of Apple’s innovative iPad to save time and reduce the risk of data entry errors.

“In response to many requests from doctors’ offices to use the iPad for patient registration, we are pleased to announce yet another innovate way that MacPractice can streamline patient registration and reduce the risk of data entry errors for our clients,” MacPractice CEO Mark Hollis said when making the announcement.

According to Hollis, the data entered by new patients who complete and sign registration forms in the Clipboard App on the iPad, will be automatically incorporated into the patient’s account in MacPractice MD, DDS, DC or 20/20 v. 4.1 on the desktop. In addition, insurance information is easily accessible and can be reviewed by the office staff. As a result, MacPractice Clipboard Apps streamline the registration process, save paper and staff time and reduce the risk of data-entry errors due to illegible handwriting.

Additional benefits sited by Hollis include the fact that patients may also complete and sign HIPAA consent and release forms which are then associated with the patient in MacPractice Attachments on the desktop. At subsequent office visits, patients can use the Clipboard Apps on the iPad to confirm or change registration information and provide a new reason for their visit.

The iPad Apps are free to download from Apple’s App Store and to use with MacPractice for MacPractice support subscribers. Hollis also explained that while Clipboard is only available today with supplied forms, MacPractice will offer customized forms for MacPractice users in the near future.

MacPractice, Inc. is a client-centric practice management and clinical software development firm comprised of a highly experienced and dedicated professionals committed to the development and support of best-of-class Macintosh software, hardware and associated services for physicians, dentists, chiropractors and eye doctors. MacPractice’s unparalleled success is due to the fact that it leverages Apple’s legendary ease of use, stability and low-cost maintenance to create affordable, intuitive and flexible Mac-native software for health care professionals. The software is currently used 12,000 providers worldwide and combines a state-of-the-art ONC-ATCB 2011-2012 Certified EHR/EMR solution with practice management tools in an easy-to-use, intuitive system that can improve patient care, efficiency and productivity.

For more information about MacPractice MD, DDS, DC or 20/20 Clipboard iPad Apps and other MacPractice iPad solutions, visit or