A major gift from Midway Dental will allow the University of Michigan School of Dentistry to create a unique clinic where students, faculty, and staff learn how to use the latest innovative dentistry tools and technologies, according to the school.
The gift is one of the largest financial commitments the school received during its recently conducted Victors for Dentistry fundraising campaign. The new clinic will be part of the major renovation and expansion currently underway at the school.
Midway Dental will provide in-kind contributions of equipment, tools, and digital software. The Midway Dental Advanced Continuing Education and Innovation Clinic or ACE Clinic is a five-year commitment with the option of an extension. The company also will train dental school personnel in the use of the equipment.
“We are grateful for this forward-thinking gift. One of the challenges for any dental school is keeping students, faculty, and staff up to date with the many new technologies that are constantly being introduced,” said dean Laurie McCauley, DDS, MS, PhD.
“For us, it’s a perfect collaboration to pair with a dental supplier that works closely with a broad array of companies as they bring their cutting-edge developments and innovations to the dental profession and its marketplace,” said McCauley.
Education “is not only important to the dental industry, but to our society’s ability to improve healthcare. It’s how we improve our condition and status as a country for current and future generations,” said Steven Kizy, chief executive officer at Midway.
Company representatives will meet with school personnel quarterly to survey technology and equipment options for the clinic beginning in 2020 once the dental school renovation is further along. Some additions might stay long-term, while others only may be used briefly before being swapped out for different gear.
The arrangement will allow Midway’s manufacturing partners to test their products in a clinical setting where students and faculty want access to the best possible options for treating patients, Kizy said.
“There are a lot of innovations in the pipeline, but it takes a while for them to actually come to market,” Kizy said. “This will be a perfect place for students and faculty to see what is coming out. Is there better technology for better results? They will see something new every three months.”
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