Industry News

Midwinter Meeting Kicks Off in Chicago

Pack your bags. It’s time for the Chicago Dental Society (CDS) 155th Midwinter Meeting, “Kaleidoscope View 2020,” scheduled for February 20 through February 22 at McCormick Place West in the Windy City. Attendees can expect continuing education from dentistry’s leading experts, an exhibit hall full of the latest innovations, and social events full of fun and glamour.

“Dentistry is constantly evolving, never static,” said CDS president Terri S. Tiersky, DDS, JD. “Changing practice models and innovation bear witness to this evolution. Education and technology give us an ever-changing landscape of possibilities. And our team members make up the pieces that create the vibrancy and uniqueness that our practices need to thrive.”

The meeting will launch on Thursday, February 20 with its Opening Session, celebrating the recipients of the Gordon J. Christensen Lecturer Recognition Award, the George Cushing Award, and the CDS Foundation Vision Award. Entrepreneur Lori Geriner of the hit television show Shark Tankwill then present the keynote address.

The dozens of courses on the schedule will feature Dentistry Todaycontributors and Leaders in Continuing Education including Gordon Christensen, DDS, MSD, PhD; Robert Margeas, DDS; Rella Christensen, PhD; Todd Shatkin, DDS; Sabiha Bunek, DDS; Fred Peck, DDS; John West, DDS; David Clark, DDS; David Rothman, DDS; and Lisa Knowles, DDS.

“Live patient demonstrations every day, a wide array of participation course opportunities, and track classes on implants, business, and health and wellness will also be part of our kaleidoscope. Other highlights include a mock malpractice trial on opioids and a laser certification class,” said Tiersky.

The meeting also will feature a lineup of courses for new dentists, highlighting recent techniques, products, and business management strategies. Plus, the Corporate Learning Theater will provide hour-long, in-depth presentations from exhibitors about their latest products and services right on the show floor.

All work and no play makes for a dull show, which is why CDS invites everyone to its special events too. On Friday, February 21, hit the runway with Kaleidoscope (K)outure, featuring lunch, music, and high fashion. The New Dentist Reception: Chow and Chat on Friday, February 21 will give newcomers a chance to relax, network, and socialize. 

Plus, aspiring practitioners can join in the free Dental Student Reception: Fun and Exclusive, also on Friday. Classic rock fans can enjoy the Friday Night Concert, One Night of Queen featuring Gary Mullen & the Works. And then there’s the President’s Dinner Dance on Saturday, February 22, for a more elegant evening. Black tie is optional.  

“Kaleidoscope View 2020 will be so much more vibrant with you there,” said Tiersky. “Please join us in Chicago for the 155thMidwinter Meeting. It is my honor to serve the Society, and it will be my pleasure to welcome you!”

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