At a time when other dental laser manufacturers are restructuring and offering limited training or none at all, Millennium Dental Technologies, Inc., the leader in dental laser-assisted regeneration (LAR) technology and innovative procedures, recently announced increased adoption of its mandatory hands-on laser training for dentists to help ensure patient safety and successful clinical outcomes using its PerioLase MVP-7 Nd:YAG free-running pulsed laser.

“While other dental laser manufacturers are struggling, reorganizing, and limiting training and support, we want to clarify that not every company or product that ends in ‘lase’ is involved in a debt reorganization or asset purchase,” said Robert H. Gregg II, DDS, founder, president and chairman of the board at Millennium Dental Technologies. “We continue to set the bar in the laser industry with our tried and true hands-on live patient training and education model, which helps ensure clinicians have the technical skills to successfully perform our revolutionary LANAP protocol and other procedures only available with the PerioLase MVP-7.”
The company made the announcement at the 110th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Periodontology in San Diego.
Millennium Dental Technologies is the developer of the LANAP protocol for the treatment of moderate to severe periodontal disease. The patented LANAP protocol is the world’s first and only FDA clearance with scientific proof for true bone regeneration, resulting in new cementum, periodontal ligament and alveolar bone on a previously diseased roof surface.
The no-cut, no-sew LANAP protocol helps save natural teeth by selectively removing harmful bacteria and diseased tissue while preserving healthy tissue and regenerating alveolar bone.
“Through collaboration with the Institute for Advanced Laser Dentistry (IALD), dentists are trained by treating live patients under the supervision of certified instructors,” said Dawn M. Gregg, DDS, training director, IALD. “This intensive training not only gives them the proficiency for more predictably effective treatment, but also higher customer satisfaction compared to more invasive procedures.”
The IALD is a non-profit educational and research organization dedicated to offering the highest level of laser training and proficiency. The institute’s training program includes five days of didactic and hands-on, live-patient treatment using the PerioLase MVP-7. The program is an intensive clinical training curriculum that guides dentists through step-by-step treatment protocols.
“For our live patient training, we recruit patients from the surrounding community who may have limited access to healthcare services,” said Dr. Dawn Gregg. “Since inception, the IALD has benefitted more than 1500 patients pro bono with total treatment valued at more than $15 million. Each patient benefits from an entire team of dental professionals during treatment.”
About Millennium Dental Technologies
Headquartered in Cerritos, CA, Millennium Dental Technologies, Inc., is the developer of the LANAP protocol for the treatment of periodontal disease and the manufacturer of the PerioLase MVP-7 Nd:YAG free-running pulsed laser. By providing a comfortable experience with unique bone-building clinical results, the company’s FDA-cleared LANAP protocol removes the fear of gum disease treatment, offering a more comfortable and less invasive regenerative treatment alternative to conventional surgery.
The PerioLase MVP-7 has the power and versatility to perform a wide range of soft- and hard-tissue laser procedures including the LAPIP protocol to save failing dental implants and BLAST protocol to prevent peri-implantitis and enhance implant integration.
The company’s founding clinician, Robert H. Gregg, II, DDS, continues to operate the company with the vision: To create better clinical outcomes in periodontal disease patients and to remain true to the guiding principle, “It’s all about the patient.”
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About the IALD
The IALD is a non-profit educational and research center dedicated to providing evidence-based clinical training in advanced laser dentistry therapies. Formed in 1999, the IALD is nationally recognized for its continuing education programs as both an ADA-CERP and AGD-PACE recognized provider.
For more information, visit