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Minter-Jordan Wins Extraordinary Women Advancing Healthcare Award

Dr. Myechia Minter-Jordan will receive the second annual Extraordinary Women Advancing Healthcare Award (EWAH) from the Commonwealth Institute, a nonprofit dedicated to advancing all women leaders in Massachusetts, according to the organization.

“Women are driving transformational change in healthcare,” said Minter-Jordan, president and CEO of the CareQuest Institute for Oral Health.

“Our system has failed those who need it most, and the impact of disparities in healthcare, including oral health, are very real,” said Minter-Jordan.

“We need not look further than the nearly 3 million women in the US who left the workforce during the COVID-19 pandemic, facing an impossible choice between family and a paycheck,” she continued.

“Now is the time to meet the moment and address the inequities that have plagued our communities for far too long, and I am honored to be a part of this prestigious group of women,” she said.

According to the CareQuest Institute, it operates as a catalyst for systems change, bringing forth ideas and solutions to create a more equitable, accessible, and integrated health system for everyone.

Before joining the CareQuest Institute, Minter-Jordan was chief medical officer and CEO of the Dimock Center, which is one of the largest community health centers in Massachusetts. Prior to that, she was an attending physician and instructor of medicine at Johns Hopkins Medicine.

TCI received more than a hundred nominations for the 2021 awards and selected 10 finalists including Minter-Jordan for their work in advancing healthcare, inspiring and leading others, and fostering diversity, including:

  • Juliana J. Chen, MD, associate director, MGH Center for Cross-Cultural Student Emotional Wellness and co-director of the Resilience Project Parents Program, MGH, Newton-Wellesley Hospital
  • Brandi Davis-Dusenbery, PhD, chief scientific officer, Seven Bridges
  • Parastoo Khoshakhlagh, PhD, CEO and cofounder of GC Therapeutics Inc.
  • Laura Kleiman, PhD, CEO and founder of Reboot Rx
  • Maria Palasis, PhD, president and CEO of Lyra Therapeutics
  • Claire-Cecile Pierre, MD, executive director of the Kerry Murphy Healy Center for Global Healthcare Entrepreneurship, Babson College, and chief medical officer of Harbor Health Services Inc.
  • Claire Wagner, MD, MBA, chief of staff, Bill & Melinda Gates Medical Research Institute
  • Sally (Yuanheng) Wang Liang, JD, MPH, vice president, business development, Zonsen PepLib Biotech
  • Simone Wildes, MD, associate director, infectious disease, South Shore Health/Tufts Medical Center

“The Commonwealth of Massachusetts is a global leader in the healthcare industry, so it is fitting that the Commonwealth Institute, an organization founded over 24 years ago to help women leaders in Massachusetts achieve greater success, would celebrate and honor emerging women leaders in the industry,” said Elizabeth L. Hailer, CEO of TCI and EWAH cochair.

“This award is a testament to the dedication, innovation, and influence of each of these extraordinary women leaders,” said Hailer.

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