Industry News

More Canadian Dental Offices Are Implementing Clinical Software

Toronto – June 27, 2012 – More and more Canadian dental offices are currently using the clinical portion of their practice management software, according to results from the DIAC (Dental Industry Association of Canada) Sixteenth Annual Future of Dentistry Survey.

Almost 40% of respondents are currently using this module in their practices, an all-time high and progressively trending upward from 37.7% last year, 33.9% in 2010, 29.8% in 2009 versus 14.9% back in 2000 when the question was first asked.

A further 25% stated they are planning to use the clinical portion in the future, primarily (81% of those planning to do so) within the next two years, similar to past results. However, the escalating trend towards use of practice management software in charting cases is also illustrated by the increasing numbers of those expecting to move from plan to actual implementation within a one year time frame, with an all-time high reading of over forty percent of “plan to” respondents expecting to implement use within the next year.

In effect, it would appear that those who stated they were planning to employ the clinical portion of their practice management software are actually implementing it over time. Over 1000 practicing Canadian dentists responded to this year’s survey (similar to the response achieved over each of the previous fifteen years) with a good proportional distribution across all regions of the country. Based on this response rate, overall 2012 survey results have an accuracy of +/- 3.08% 19 times out of 20.

Source: Sixteenth Annual Future of Dentistry Survey Dental Industry Association of Canada / Eric P. Jones & Associates Inc.