Industry News

More Than 12,000 Delegates Expected for Montréal Dental Show

The 47th annual meeting of the Journées Dentaires Internationales du Québec (JDIQ) will take place from May 26 to May 30 at the Palais des congrès de Montréal. More than 12,000 delegates from around the world are expected to attend the meeting, which is one of Canada’s largest. Recognized as an ADA-CERP provider, JDIQ features a scientific program with more than 125 lectures and hands-on courses in both English and French during a 5-day period.

Furthermore, JDIQ is known for its wide variety of hands-on courses and workshops. Drs. Alan Atlas, Gary Bey, Rella Christensen, Lesley David, Gerry Kugel, Bob Margeas, and John Zarb will be among the speakers presenting workshop courses on restorative dentistry, porcelain veneers, endodontics, and implantology. Others on the scientific program include Drs. Damon Adams, Robert Fazio, Howard Glazier, Manor Haas, Ron Jackson, and Stephen Niemczyk.

Sunday, May 28, also known as CeLABration Day, will feature a scientific program and exhibition dedicated to new technologies and innovative training specifically designed for laboratory technicians and dentists. The Ordre des Techniciens et Techniciennes Dentaires du Québec also will join the show on Sunday for these joint convention activities.

The dental exhibition, with more than 225 companies, will be open on Monday and Tuesday, May 29 and May 30, featuring the latest in high-tech equipment. All delegates are invited to the exhibit hall for a continental breakfast on both days as well as a wine and beer reception to close out both days.

A simple way to view the latest and most updated information about JDIQ is to download the mobile application, available in both English and French, by searching for “JDIQ 2017” on any smart device. Once downloaded, the app will include the latest changes and updates every time it is opened. It is the perfect way to customize your lecture schedule so as not to miss any events.

For more information, call (800) 361-4887, visit, or email

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