Industry News

National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Program Application Deadline Extended

The deadline to apply for the National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Program has been extended to 7:30 pm ET on May 27.

The program awards up to $50,000 in exchange for a two-year commitment to provide healthcare, including dental care, at approved sites in high-need, underserved areas. Recipients also are eligible to extend their service and potentially pay of all of their educational debt with continuation contracts.

As part of the Biden administration’s stimulus package, the Health Resources and Services Administration received $900 million in new funding to support, recruit, and retain qualified health professionals through the National Health Service Corps and Nurse Corps programs.

The ADA said it advocated for the funding to be included in the stimulus bill, known as the American Rescue Plan, and is encouraging dentists and dental students to apply for National Health Service Corps opportunities.

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