Industry News

Newsom Appoints Three to Dental Board of California

Governor Gavin Newsom has appointed Alicia Montell, DDS, and reappointed Meredith McKenzie, Esq, and James Yu, DDS, MS, to the Dental Board of California. Seats on the board do not require Senate confirmation, and the compensation is $100 per diem.

A resident of San Ramon, Montell has been director of dental services at the San Francisco Department of Public Health since 2019. She was dental director at Santa Rosa Community Health from 2013 to 2019 and associate dental director at Tiburcio Vasquez Health Center from 2010 to 2013, where she was a staff dentist from 2007 to 2010. Also, she was a staff dentist at La Clinicia de La Raza in 2006. Montell also is a member of the ADA, California Dental Association, and the San Francisco Dental Society. She earned her DDS from the University of California San Francisco School of Dentistry.

A Los Gatos resident, McKenzie has served on the Dental Board of California since 2013. She has been a vice president and deputy general counsel at Juniper Networks since 2012. She also was a senior director of intellectual property at the Symantec Corporation from 2006 to 2012; a director of litigation, licensing, and intellectual property at Cypress Semiconductor from 2001 to 2006, and corporate counsel and director of intellectual property at Enuvis from 2000 to 2001. She was an associate at Howrey LLC from 1998 to 2000 and patent agent and design engineer at Intel Corporation from 1993 to 1998. She holds a JD from the Santa Clara University School of Law as well.

A resident of Fremont, Yu has served on the board since 2018. He has been a dentist since 1984 and an acupuncturist since 2008. Also, he is Bay Area leader of Medical Services International and a member of the ADA, California Acupuncture Association, San Francisco Dental Society, Application of Acupuncture in Dental Practices, Northern California Chinese Media Association, San Francisco Chinatown Salvation Army, American Association of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture, and the American Society of Chinese Medicine. He holds a DDS from the University of the Pacific School of Dentistry and an MS in acupuncture from the University of East-West Medicine.

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