Industry News

Ohio Dentist Elected As ADA Treasurer

CHICAGO, October 22, 2012— Ronald P. Lemmo, D.D.S., a general dentist based in Willoughby Hills, OH, was elected today as Treasurer of the American Dental Association (ADA).

The ADA treasurer’s principal duties include designing a budget process in concert with the Board of Trustees, serving as a resource for the House Reference Committee on Budget, Business and Administrative Matters, overseeing Association finances and presiding as chair of the Board’s Administrative Review Committee. A treasurer is limited to a maximum of two three-year terms.

Dr. Lemmo has served on numerous councils and committees on the national, constituent, and component levels, including chair of the Ohio Dental Association (ODA) Finance Committee, and chair of the ADA Special Committee on Financial Affairs. He has served as vice president, president elect, president, and immediate past president of the ODA, and as member of the ADA House of Delegates and Board of Trustees.

About the American Dental Association

The not-for-profit ADA is the nation’s largest dental association, representing 157,000 dentist members. The premier source of oral health information, the ADA has advocated for the public’s health and promoted the art and science of dentistry since 1859. The ADA’s state-of-the-art research facilities develop and test dental products and materials that have advanced the practice of dentistry and made the patient experience more positive. The ADA Seal of Acceptance long has been a valuable and respected guide to consumer dental care products. The monthly The Journal of the American Dental Association (JADA) is the ADA’s flagship publication and the best-read scientific journal in dentistry. For more information about the ADA, visit For more information on oral health, including prevention, care and treatment of dental disease, visit the ADA’s consumer website