Industry News

Open Practices Climb from 3.4% to More Than 30%

States are easing restrictions on dental treatment, and more practices are reopening. According to the ADA Health Policy Institute, more than 30% of practices were open the week of May 4, compared to 3.4% during the week of April 20.

Dental offices shed 503,000 jobs in April, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported on May 8. But the ADA says that its latest poll of 6,774 dentists in private practice during the week of May 4 shows early signs of recovery.

During the week of May 4, 28 states had reopened for elective dental services. In the ADA’s latest poll, 33% of practices fully paid their staff, compared to 13% in the previous poll. In states that have reopened, 48% of dentists were fully paying their staff. Patient volume, however, was 28% of typical levels in the states that reopened.

The latest poll also found that 56% of nonowner dentists weren’t paid the week of May 4, and 57% among those were receiving unemployment benefits. Plus, three out of 10 dentists did not have any N95 or K95 masks, 17.5% had no face shields, and 25.8% had no gowns.

Dentists who would like to participate in the ADA’s next poll can do so online.

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