Industry News

Oral Healthcare Needs Don’t Take a Summer Vacation

As people relax during the summer, their dietary and oral health habits change as well, according to a recent DentaVox survey.

For example, 48% of respondents admit to enjoying more sugar-rich food and beverages, which are detrimental to their oral health. However, more servings of tooth-friendly fresh fruits and vegetables are on the menu for 36% of respondents as well.

Also, 60% of respondents believe that people improve their oral care during the summer. Personally, though, 43% reported no change in their oral hygiene routine; 33% said their routine improved; 12% said it was more relaxed; 8% said it was significantly improved; and 4% said it was significantly more relaxed.

Juice drinking was the most common non-tooth-friendly summer habit, with 36% reporting more frequent consumption; 33% reporting no change; 18% consuming less juice; 12% reporting significantly more consumption; and 1% saying they’re drinking juice significantly less often.

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