Industry News

Patterson Dental Becomes Osap Super Sponsor

Patterson Dental announced an increased commitment to the Organization for Safety, Asepsis and Prevention (OSAP), by becoming a Super Sponsor. Super Sponsors are corporate members who serve as strategic partners in OSAP’s infection control mission and messaging.
“We look forward to expanding our partnership with OSAP through important collaborative initiatives that enhance the well-being of others,” said Patterson Companies Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Scott P. Anderson. “We believe that every patient is entitled to a safe dental visit, and OSAP’s role in advocating for the safety of patients and dental teams is a purpose that Patterson Dental is very proud to support.”
One industry-wide initiative making an impact currently is OSAP’s The Safest Dental Visit™, which promotes a greater commitment to infection control and safety in dentistry. This multi-faceted educational program also helps patients better understand the measures dental providers are taking to ensure their safety.              
“We are honored that Patterson Dental has increased its commitment to OSAP and its mission by becoming a new Super Sponsor,” said Dr. John O’Keefe, OSAP Chairman of the Board. “Patterson is a valued partner in our shared vision of safe dental care for people everywhere.”