Industry News

Personal Conduct Matters Prompt GDC Warnings

Nearly a third of the warnings (29%) issued by the General Dental Council (GDC) in the United Kingdom in the past five years related to matters of personal conduct, with three quarters of them issued as a result of a driving offense, according to Dental Protection. Also, 27% of the GDC’s warnings issued to dentists related to record keeping.

“The GDC investigation process can be very unsettling for dentists who fear that their reputation is at stake. If you receive a warning, you will have to disclose details of the sanction in any future job applications. Any dentist who receives a published warning will also find that details of the warning are put on the GDC website,” said Raj Rattan, dental director at Dental Protection. 

“While many healthcare professionals may feel that personal conduct issues do not necessarily make you unfit to practice, the GDC are clear that dental professionals have a responsibility in their personal life to behave appropriately,” said Rattan.

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