Industry News

Pride Institute “Best of Class” Technology Fair, 2011

Mount Laurel, NJ,  7/28/2011 — ACTEON North America, developers of the SoproLIFE intraoral camera and caries detection device has been recognized as one of 16 companies to receive the Pride Institute’s Best of Class Technology Award for 2011.  ACTEON North America was an honoree in the Foundational technology class.

“We are honored to have the SoproLIFE be recognized by the Pride Institute as a ‘Best of Class’ technology” said Wyatt Wilson, COO of ACTEON North America.  “We have enjoyed tremendous sales success with this product since its release and receiving the Pride Institute’s award validates what we have believed since LIFE was in research and development… that it is revolutionary technology for the detection of cariogenic lesions.”

SoproLIFE detects carious lesions on the teeth by shining a specific wavelength of harmless blue light onto the tooth surfaces and then processing the resulting fluorescent signal.  Caries are shown as red areas in the live video signal while healthy areas are displayed as bright green.  This video stream can be shown on any display device, from a TV to a computer screen and individual pictures can be captured directly into a patient’s record.  In addition to its caries detection functionality, LIFE is also an award-winning intraoral camera, producing outstanding color images when in daylight mode.  It is supported on both the Windows® and Apple® platforms and integrates into virtually all imaging applications.  This technology is a valuable addition to any dental practice who is interested in providing the highest level of care for their patients.

A panel of dental technology experts, organized by the Pride Institute, a dental practice management consulting firm based in Novato, California, selected this year’s winning products through an unbiased, rigorous assessment selection process. The winning technologies were selected by majority vote and divided into four categories: Foundational, Diagnostic, Therapeutic, and Emerging.

The Pride Institute Best of Class Technology awards were launched in 2009 as a new concept to provide an unbiased, non-profit assessment of available technologies in the dental space. Winners of the award are invited to participate in a technology fair showcased at the American Dental Association’s annual meeting. “We deeply felt a gap in the area of technology education and integration, said Lou Shuman, DMD, CAGS, President of the Pride Institute. “We feel the technology awards and fair were an ideal model to fill that gap. Pride Institute’s commitment is to provide the finest information and counsel in all areas of practice management.”

The panel consists of seven dentists with significant knowledge of and experience in dental technology, including Dr. Shuman; John Flucke, DDS, writer, speaker and Technology Editor for Dental Products Report; Paul Feuerstein, DMD, writer, speaker and Technology Editor for Dental Economics; Titus Schleyer, DMD, PhD, Associate Professor and Director, Center for Dental Informatics at the University of Pittsburg, School of Dental Medicine; Marty Jablow, DMD, technology writer and speaker; Para Kachalia, DDS, Director of New Technology at the University of the Pacific, School of Dentistry; and Larry Emmott, DDS, technology writer, speaker and dental marketing consulting. “I feel very fortunate that a panel of this magnitude has agreed to contribute to the selection process,” said Dr. Shuman.