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Program Provides Pipeline to Dental School for Underrepresented Students

Midwestern University’s Bridges Program will provide a path for qualified students in the university’s Biomedical Science Program from underrepresented minority, economically disadvantaged, and environmentally disadvantaged populations to become a general dentist.

Through the program, students can apply for provisional early acceptance to the College of Dental Medicine-Illinois (CDMI), provided they gain acceptance into the Master of Arts in Biomedical Science (MA) Program or successfully complete the first year of the Master of Biomedical Sciences (MBS) Program.

Students also must meet several requirements including passing all courses and maintaining a 3.2 overall GPA in the Biomedical Sciences Program, participating in the Bridges Mentoring Program, and maintaining good academic and professional standing prior to starting their dental medicine education at CDMI.

The Bridges Program offers an excellent foundation and enables students to increase their basic science knowledge and improve their study skills, the university said, and graduate faculty mentoring and counseling also will help them stay on track.

With provisional early acceptance to CDMI, the university continued, students will have peace of mind knowing that their next academic step awaits so they can focus on their biomedical studies and improving their preparedness for success.

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