Industry News

Sesame Communications Launches New Partnership with Healthgrades

SEATTLE, WA – October 11, 2013 – Sesame Communications, the leading provider of patient engagement management solutions for dentistry, today announced a strategic partnership with Healthgrades, the leading online resource that helps consumers search, compare and connect with physicians, healthcare providers and hospitals. This partnership will provide dental practitioners with premium access to millions of prospective patients searching for dental services. In the past year alone, consumers conducted more than 20 million searches seeking local dental care providers on the site from all across the United States.

The partnership between Sesame and Healthgrades will provide dental providers using Dental Sesame or Ortho Sesame with Healthgrades Enhanced Profile Services that will enable and feature online appointment requests (directly into the physician workflow provided by Sesame), preferred profile placement on local searches and publication of verified, quantitative practice reviews on

“New patient acquisition has long been regarded as a core component of building and maintaining a successful practice within dentistry,” said Diana P. Friedman, Chief Executive Officer of Sesame Communications. “Healthgrades Enhanced Profile Services, integrated with Sesame services, provides dental professionals with unparalleled access to new patients who are searching for and making appointments with dental providers for dental services. We are excited to be working with Healthgrades, the world’s leading online resource for helping prospective patients find and connect with dental practices within their local community.”

“Our new relationship with Sesame Communications is consistent with our long-standing commitment to make healthcare more transparent and give consumers the information they need to make more informed decisions about their healthcare providers,” said Andrea Pearson, EVP and GM, Consumer Products.

Today Healthgrades Enhanced Profile Services are only available through authorized partners. Healthgrades has partnered with Sesame to launch the solution to dentistry and is the only company offering Healthgrades Enhanced Profile Services at the 154th Annual Session of the American Dental Association (ADA), October 31 – November 3, 2013 in New Orleans, Louisiana.

“A Healthgrades Enhanced Profile Service from Sesame is a game changer for dentistry,” said Dr. Lou Shuman, President of Pride Institute, the premier dental practice management consulting group serving the dental profession since 1974. “Now dental care providers will be armed with an online service to instantly convert highly qualified visitors into new patient appointments.”

Healthgrades Enhanced Profile Services Availability
Sesame is currently pre-selling Healthgrades Enhanced Profile Services, integrated with Sesame services, prior to the official launch at the ADA meeting on October 31, 2013. To secure your Healthgrades Enhanced Profile today, call Sesame at 888-263-3159 or request more information by sending an email to