Industry News

Survey Reveals What People Do With Their Kids’ Baby Teeth

When children lose their baby teeth, the “Tooth Fairy” takes them away. But what happens next? While a growing number of adults think storing these teeth in some way is a good idea, 72% don’t have their own baby teeth preserved, according to a survey by DentaVox. Plus, 55% of respondents regret not having their baby teeth preserved.

DentaVox reports that 59% of its respondents preserve baby teeth, 23% throw them out, and 18% use them some other way. Of the 59% who support preservation, 31% keep them in the family, 24% preserve them for their stem cells, and 4% hide them. Of the 23% who throw them away, 12% tossed them in the garbage, 7% disposed of them with a ritual, and 4% buried them.

Family tradition was the most common reason why respondents kept baby teeth (30%), followed by making their children happy (16%) and considering it to be the most practical solution (11%).  Among those who threw baby teeth away, 26% considered it to be the most practical solution, 23% considered it to be the most hygienic solution, and 18% did so because of family traditions.

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