Industry News

The First LIVE CE Mini Dental Implant Introductory Course

An Introduction To Mini Dental Implants

Mini Dental Implants, a minimally invasive treatment option for stabilizing dentures and replacing missing teeth. With guest lecturer Todd E. Shatkin, DDS – A world leader in Mini Dental Implantology.

Learn the F.I.R.S.T ® Technique to replace MISSING & MULTIPLE teeth along with Denture Stabilization

Learn from Todd E. Shatkin, one of the leading experts in Mini Dental Implant Education



Course Description

• Using the MDL and Milo Mini Dental Implants for lower and upper denture stabilization.
• Using the Mini Dental Implant for partial dentures.
•  Using the Mini Dental Implant in fixed applications for individual and multiple missing teeth.
• Using the Mini Implant for full arch fixed applications.

Additionally, we will be discussing the patented F.I.R.S.T. (Fabricated Implant Restoration Surgical Technique) procedure and how, once it is learned, you are able to Increase your yearly income by a minimum of $400,000 your first year.

Register by April 4th to Receive an Additional $100 Off

Learning Objectives:

• The history of Mini Dental Implants and the rate of success using them.
• How to choose the right patient for mini dental implant surgery.
• How to stabilize dentures or replace a missing tooth/teeth in just 1 visit.
• That, compared to conventional implants, mini dental implants are a less invasive, less expensive, less time consuming method of replacing teeth with less discomfort and less healing time.
• And… will see how performing 2 denture stabilizations a week will increase your yearly income by over $400,000.



About The Lecturer

Over the past eighteen years, Todd E. Shatkin, DDS, has placed more than 30,000 mini dental implants and has trained over 25,000 doctors world-wide in his patented technique.

He has utilized mini dental implants for denture stabilizations, single and multiple tooth replacements and for full arch reconstructions, with a success rate of 95%.

Dr. Shatkin’s seminal article “Mini Dental Implants for Long Term Fixed and Removable Prosthetics” was published in the Journal Compendium of Continuing Education in Dentistry February, 2007 issue pp 92-100 and has been well received.

His follow up article “Mini Dental Implants: A Retrospective Analysis of 5640 Implants Placed Over a 12-Year Period” was published in the Journal Compendium of Continuing Education in Dentistry September, 2012, Volume 33, Special Issue 3.

Dr Shatkin was featured on the cover of Dentistry Today in November of 2019

As a result of positive experiences with mini dental implants, Dr. Shatkin developed the patented F.I.R.S.T® Technique (Fabricated Implant Restoration and Surgical Technique). This technique features a mini dental implant(s) with a lab fabricated, finished single tooth replacement in one visit, usually accomplished in less than thirty minutes, and to create the same results in less than an hour for three to five units, and less than two hours for a full arch restoration.  With Dr. Shatkin’s technique and mini dental implants, patients enjoy not having to wait three to nine months for the healing and restoring of the implants.  This happens with minimal or no patient discomfort, restorations at very affordable patient fees and the opportunity for the dentist to significantly build the practice’s earning with minimal start up costs.


“Increased demands for the functional and esthetic replacement of missing teeth have pushed mini dental implants to the forefront of our profession.  Today, more than ever, the exciting treatment concept of mini dental implants has become an integral part of the general dental practice.”

– Todd E. Shatkin, D.D.S.

Dr. Shatkin is a graduate of the University of the Pacific School of Dentistry.  He is the President Emeritus of the International Academy of Mini Dental Implants and the owner of Shatkin F.I.R.S.T., LLC, a mini dental implant specialty laboratory.  Dr. Shatkin has extensively lectured internationally on mini dental implants and is well respected as a world leader on mini dental implants.  He practices full time in Amherst, New York., a suburb of Buffalo (The Aesthetic Associates Centre), New York and resides in Williamsville, N.Y. with his wife Leslie and their three children Jared, a second year dental student at Tufts School of Dentistry, Juliet and Jade.