Industry News

USOSM Salutes Dr. Clement Qaqish for Medical Mission Work in Cameroon

U.S. Oral Surgery Management (USOSM)—a specialty management services company that exclusively serves premier oral and maxillofacial surgeons—welcomes back its surgeon partner Clement Qaqish, MD, DDS, as he returns from Africa, where he spent a week providing patients in need with life-changing oral and maxillofacial treatments.

usosm, Clement Qaqish, MD, DDS
Clement Qaqish, MD, DDS

“We’re excited to welcome Dr. Qaqish back from Africa,” said USOSM president and CEO Richard Hall. “USOSM deeply appreciates the passion Dr. Qaqish has for helping those in need.”

This year, Dr. Qaqish was part of a team of RESTORE surgeons that went to Yaoundé, Cameroon. As a group, the surgeons performed more than 300 procedures, including correcting congenital deformities of the head and neck, maxillofacial tumor excision and pathology services, cleft lip and palate repair, and more.

RESTORE is a 501(c) (3) nonprofit medical service organization. It stands for “restoring emotional stability through outstanding reconstructive efforts.”

Dr. Qaqish has been involved with RESTORE for several years, traveling with them to help people in need in Senegal and Cameroon. In addition, Dr. Qaqish has partnered with several other nonprofit organizations, such as Smile Train and Mercy Ships, for medical mission work. He has been actively involved in surgical philanthropy for the past decade, helping those in need in his community, as well as abroad.

“Being able to help people in need, particularly through life-changing procedures like the ones we were doing in Cameroon, is so rewarding. It’s so moving to see the difference that we’re making in people’s lives,” noted Dr. Qaqish. “Early on in my career, I knew that I wanted to be of service to those in need. Often the surgery that is most interesting and life-changing in our specialty, is more abundantly needed in developing nations, where access to care is a real challenge.”

A diplomate of the American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery, Dr. Qaqish has earned and maintains board certifications in oral and maxillofacial surgery, facial cosmetic surgery and cosmetic surgery. Dr. Qaqish is the founder and medical director of San Diego Surgical Arts, a USOSM partner practice located in San Diego, California. He offers a full scope of oral and maxillofacial procedures and cosmetic surgery treatments, where personalized and comprehensive patient care is his number one priority.

Dr. Qaqish earned his Doctor of Dental Surgery from The University of Western Ontario, where he finished at the top of his class, receiving the university’s prestigious gold medal. In addition, he earned his Doctor of Medicine from and completed his general surgery internship and oral and maxillofacial surgery training through the University of Maryland, graduating with high honors. Taking his education even further, he completed an accredited fellowship in cosmetic surgery under the tutelage of Dr. Angelo Cuzalina, who was president of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery at that time.

An engaging speaker, Dr. Qaqish has lectured both nationally and internationally on various topics ranging from dental implant reconstruction and rehabilitation to cosmetic facial surgery. He also has served as faculty at multiple live surgery workshops in cosmetic facial surgery and has authored numerous publications on a wide variety of cosmetic and oral and maxillofacial surgery topics.

About U.S. Oral Surgery Management

Headquartered in Irving, Texas, USOSM has partner practices spanning 26 states. A shared services organization, USOSM collaborates with premier oral and maxillofacial surgeons to offer a partnership solution for continued and accelerated practice success. USOSM provides operational, marketing and administrative support services, reinvests resources, and applies best practices to improve clinical and financial performance and produce steadier, more profitable growth for all.

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