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Wright Named President of AADR

The American Association for Dental Research (AADR) has named Tim Wright, DDS, MS, its 48th president. He is the James Bawden Distinguished Professor at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill (UNC-CH) Adams School of Dentistry.

“The most important way we can improve our existence as humans is through the acquisition and application of new knowledge,” said Wright. “Serving an organization, such as AADR, where this is central to their mission, is both exciting and extremely rewarding.”

Wright also is chair of the American Association of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) Evidence-Based Dentistry Committee and has served as chair of the Council for Scientific Affairs for the ADA and the AAPD.

“While the UNC-CH Adams School of Dentistry has a long, prestigious history of impactful dental research, it is important for us to be well-represented at the national and international level, within organizations such as the AADR, for us to continue to be integral in shaping the future of oral health,” said Shannon Wallet, PhD, associate dean for research.

“I am confident Dr. Wright will represent the school and serve the AADR well. I am excited to see what his leadership within this organization will bring,” said Wallet.

Wright is the third faculty member from the UNC-CH Adams School of Dentistry to be named president of the AADR, following Steven Offenbacher, DDS, MS, PhD, in 2000, and James Bawden, DDS, PhD, in 1984.

Wright earned his DDS from West Virginia University and his MS from the University of Alabama at Birmingham. He has written more than 200 peer-reviewed publications and has more than 25 years of National Institutes of Health grant funding. He is a frequent speaker at national and international meetings as well.

Wright’s research interests include the diagnosis and treatment of developmental defects in teeth resulting from hereditary and environmental conditions as well as understanding normal tooth development. Previously, he was the chair of the Department of Pediatric Dentistry and director of strategic initiatives for the school.

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