Industry News

ZERØ-PAIN SmileSimplicity Procedure Delivers Confident Smiles

(Los Angeles, CA – June 1, 2011)  Beautiful smiles create confidence, especially for older patients.  Nothing feels more awkward than being reluctant to smile because your teeth are discolored, crooked, worn, or chipped.  Now, the revolutionary dental procedure SmileSimplicity™ is painlessly transforming self-conscious smiles into confident, stronger smiles in two short dental office visits.

Developed by noninvasive constructive cosmetic dentistry pioneer Dr. Robert Ibsen, SmileSimplicity is a painless veneer procedure that preserves original, healthy tooth structure and does not require numbing injections.  SmileSimplicity allows dentists to correct chipped, stained, and worn teeth without using anesthetic, drills, or temporaries.

Dentists interested in bringing this preservative, patient-friendly technique to their practice can participate in live monthly webinars and earn continuing education (CE) credits.  The upcoming webinar on June 23, 2011, will focus on a female who never smiled due to chipped and stained front teeth.  She feared “fixing” her teeth because she did not want to endure pain nor have her teeth ground down.  When she learned of SmileSimplicity’s ability to correct her smile’s imperfections painlessly while keeping her tooth structure intact and strengthening her teeth, she became highly motivated.

Unlike SmileSimplicity, other traditional veneer techniques involve grinding away large amounts of natural tooth structure and requiring injections.  Removing excessive amounts of tooth structure can sometimes injure pulp and eventually require a root canal.  With the SmileSimplicity procedure, teeth are preserved and patients do not experience pain, discomfort, or sensitivity of conventional veneering methods.

For more information, visit, email, or call (805) 346-8100.